Ep. 3 How to Discover Your "Infinity Stone" or Your WHY with Anthony Boardwine

anthony boardwine, abandoning average

The third episode of the podcast features our first guest--Anthony Boardwine! (He's also Amanda's husband, a master mathmetican, world traveler, and currently works as a Data Warehouse manager [IT].)

What ties this in with Abandoning Average is that Anthony has started to coin the phrase "finding your infinity stone." You'll have to listen to the episode to hear to him unpack all the details for this one, but the phrase has a similar meaning to finding your WHY. He has found excitement in helping others discover what he calls their infinity stone (yes, from Marvel) and how the discovery of that will help you better understand your passions and goals.

In this episode, you will find info to...

  • Discover what is your infinity stone or WHY

  • Why is it necessary for you to know?

  • How Anthony and Amanda each found their's

  • Biblical examples and lessons on discovering this for yourself.